Monday, September 6, 2010

Prepping ... In Real Life

We live somewhere here ...

... in the highlighted path of the storm. Although we are not anticipating major issues (we live nowhere near a likely-to-flood body of water, for example), we are taking some precautions. Today I made: 2 loaves of bread (and ground up a bunch more wheat to have on hand), a batch of tortillas, a batch of hummus, and I'm cooking some beans with planned leftovers for the week. While we're catching up on the many (!) loads of laundry, I'm thinking that a pile of chocolate chip cookies might help us keep our momentum.


  1. Yes, chocolate chip cookies are an essential when a storm is coming in. My kids and I made a bunch of cut-out Christmas cookies right before the ice storm that left us without power for nearly 2 weeks. Unfortunately we ate all the cookies long before we got power!

    I think keeping up on laundry is an under-rated prep. It is so unglamorous but essential.

  2. I agree! Chocolate chip cookies are perfect for momentum... and morale! YUM!

  3. That's why I have a gas stove. If all else fails, power outages, I can still REV up the OVEN! And nothing better than morale/comfort food!!


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