Monday, March 7, 2011

Confession (Please Don't Hate Me ...)

You know those deep-dark secrets you hold close to your heart ... the ones that you only admit to yourself in the middle of sleepless nights?

I am about to share with you, my need-to-know readers, my deepest-darkest secret. After uttering the following words, I will never again acknowledge them as my own. You see, revelation of this secret would mean the loss of all my Prepper Street Cred.


I hate ... the hot Texas sun.
I hate ... the ever-present threat of a snake encounter.
I hate ... dirt under my fingernails.

It's strange, really, because I'm an outdoorsy gal. I adore being in nature. I love swimming in creeks and hiking through forests. I live for campouts and stargazing.

But gardening? Ick!

I recognize the importance of a productive, well-tended garden to a prepping lifestyle. Apparently, purchasing gardening books and reading gardening magazines doesn't make a garden grow. So ... I have come up with an alternate solution.

The way I see it, sprouts are the perfect solution for me right now. They're delicious, they're nutritious ... and I can cultivate them by the pound, dirt-free, all within the air conditioned (snake-free!) comfort of my lovely home.

Have you tried sprouting? Do you have any favorite seeds? What is your favorite resource?


  1. I don't sprout. I have a tough enough time convincing my family members to eat anything green as it is. Sprouts go in the "weird" column right now.

    Have you considered trees and bushes? They kinda raise themselves with only minimal picking and pruning. Just a thought.

  2. I hate gardening too. It's a ton of work, and I seem to kill every plant I touch.

    But I'm giving it the ol' college try again this spring... even though I'm dreading it.

  3. I do sprout, but I prefer gardening.

    Gloves help with the dirt under the fingernails.

    I live in a place just as hot as yours, with ever-present sun and only 2 inches of rain a year. The ground is rock hard (literally; you have to jackhammer holes to plant trees, or soak the ground with water for 3 days before you can move it with a backhoe, because the backhoe alone won't do it).

    Don't give up!

    An important thing is to find out what works in YOUR climate. For example, where I live (and it's probably really similar to your climate), lettuce is planted fall through March. Tomato plants go in the ground in February and March.

    I spend most of my time in the garden in the spring, fall, and part of winter. In summer, I go out a lot less, mostly around 6 am (when it's 105ยบ) and right before dark.

    Keep trying!


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